Discover How To Prevent Condemnation And Live In Joyful Freedom

Are you ready for a 30.000 feet overview that will help you live in joyful freedom?

Discover How To Prevent Condemnation And Live In Joyful Freedom

First this…

Even though as believers we are not under law but under grace, we still have the effects of our old life under the law imprinted in our minds – that is a law mindset.

A law mindset is an old way of thinking that causes you to rely on your performance to make things happen.

Instead of relying on the indwelling life of Christ:

  • You strive to become what you already are
  • You seek to find what you already possess
  • You try to measure up you when you already do
  • You try to cross a divide that isn’t there
  • You ask God to do what He’s already done

In short, you try to re-accomplish what Christ already has accomplished on your behalf.

A law mindset causes you to sin, make you feel condemned and gives you a sense you’re never doing enough.

Talking about frustration!

The moment you choose to believe the Gospel of Grace, however, you’ll experience REST, JOY, and FREEDOM.

To experience joyful freedom we need to be able to discern law from grace.

I’m going to give you a 30.000 feet overview so that you can sharply discern what is Old Covenant thinking and what is New Covenant thinking.

Here are 101 simple comparisons between the Old and New.

Click on the image to watch the Video: 

Click HERE to watch on YouTube

This is 1 of 62 videos that are part of an online training course, called:

“Discover Your Radical Freedom In Christ To Live A Grace-Filled Life” 

Dozens of people have signed up and are going through the course right now.

The feedback shows that the truth presented has a powerful impact on each person’s life.

If you haven’t check out the course yet, then now is the time!

Click **HERE** to see what’s in it for you .

I wish you nothing less than joy, happiness, and freedom in your Christian walk!


